Backing | Description | Application examples |
A –paper | approx. 95 g/m² | profile + surface grinding (hand) |
B –paper | approx. 105 g/m² | profile + surface grinding (hand) |
C –paper | approx. 110 g/m² | surface grinding (hand) |
D –paper | approx. 130 g/m² | surface grinding (hand and machine) |
E – paper | approx. 250 g/m² | surface grinding (machine) |
F –paper | approx. 300 g/m² | surface grinding (machine) |
G –paper | approx. 400 g/m² | surface grinding (machine) |
JF –cloth | light, highly flexible | high profiled workpieces (hand and machine) |
GX –blended cloth | light, flexible | profiled workpieces (machine) |
J –cloth | light, flexible | profiled workpieces (hand and machine) |
XF –cloth | heavy, flexible | hand tool belt grinder |
X –cloth | heavy, firm | surfaces, edges, rotation bodies (machine) |
Y –cloth | heavy, highly firm | surfaces, edges, rotation bodies (machine) |
Z –cloth | heavy, highly firm, can be segmented | surface grinding (machine) |